SLAC Theory Seminar

Observational Hints of Strong Dark Matter Self-Interactions


SLAC, Madrone Conf. Room (224)

Haibo Yu (UC, Riverside) In Person and zoom

Zoom info

I will discuss recent high-resolution N-body simulations of self-interacting dark matter and their implications for the latest astrophysical observations of diverse galactic systems. In particular, I will highlight the novel signatures of gravothermal collapse in dark matter halos and explore their detection possibilities through observations of strong lensing systems, stellar streams, and supermassive black holes.

Tensions in cosmology: Hubble, S8 & neutrino masses


Madrone (room 224) & Zoom

Emmanuel Schaan

In this pedagogical review, I hope to provide a starting point for thinking about new-physics solutions to some of the ongoing tensions in cosmology, focusing on the Hubble parameter H0 and the amplitude of matter density fluctuations S8.
I will present an intuitive but precise explanation of the methods used to measure H0, including the direct distance ladder, the CMB, and the inverse distance ladder approach. I will point out some of the challenges that new-physics solutions need to overcome.