February 2023
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
SLAC Special Seminar
Kevin Burdge (MIT) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/99933441971?pwd=c3BqRmJwUjlCYUppTmlMMm5BdHRNUT09
Before and after Rubin--the most exciting upcoming developments in time domain astrophysics over the next decade
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Rubin @ SLAC
Kevin Fanning (OSU) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/95894685456?pwd=dFBXUkVVNlV4ZjJsWWhibzJ0UjhwZz09
Lessons Learned from DESI Commissioning
SLAC, Building 048, Redwood C/D |
KIPAC Tea Talk
zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
KIPAC Tea Talk
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room |
KIPAC Tea Talk
zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
KIPAC Tea Talk
Campus, PAB 102/103
AP/Physics Colloquium
Roger Romani (KIPAC) In Person
IXPE: Our First Look Around the X-ray Polarized Sky
Campus, Hewlett Teaching Center, Rm. 201 |
Astrophysics Colloquium
Jill Tarter (SETI) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/423773826
A Cosmic Perspective: Searching for Aliens, Finding Ourselves
Campus, PAB 102/103
SLAC Special Seminar
Joseph DeRose (Lawrence Berkeley Lab) In Person and zoom
Combining spectroscopy, photometry and the CMB to unlock stage IV cosmology
SLAC, Building 048, Redwood C/D
KIPAC Community Lunch
Campus, PAB 2nd Floor Patio
Other Stanford Events
Marios Galanis (Perimeter Institute) In Person
Informal Pheno Journal Club: Time-delay intensity interferometry
Campus, Varian 355
SLAC Special Seminar
Dillon Brout (Harvard) In Person and zoom
Mapping 12 Billion Years of Cosmic History in the Coming Golden Era of Type Ia Supernovae
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room |
KIPAC Tea Talk
Dillon Brout (Harvard) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
Vera Rubin LSST: The Central Hub Of Time-Domain Cosmology For The Next Decade
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Other Stanford Events
Junwu Huang (Perimeter Institute) In Person
Pheno Wine & Cheese Seminar: A New Pulsar
Campus, Varian 312 |
Astrophysics Colloquium
Shany Danieli (Princeton) In Person and zoom
The Path to Understanding Dark Matter: Novel Observations of Low-Mass Galaxies
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room |
KIPAC Tea Talk
Shany Danieli (Princeton) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
The Imprint of Dynamical Friction in Globular Cluster-Rich Galaxies as a Probe of Dark Matter
Campus, PAB 102/103
Experimental Seminar
Ari Cukierman (Caltech) In Person and zoom
SPHEREx: An All-Sky Spectral Survey
SLAC, Building 048, Madrone Conf. Room |
Astrophysics Colloquium
Simone Ferraro (LBNL) In Person and zoom
Current challenges and future opportunities at the Cosmic Frontier
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
KIPAC Community Lunch
SLAC, Kavli 2nd Floor |
KIPAC Tea Talk
Simone Ferraro (LBNL) In Person and zoom
Detecting and characterizing patchy reionization in the CMB
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Other Stanford Events
Javier Acevedo (SLAC) In Person Only
SITP Wine and Cheese Seminar: Dark matter-made black holes in celestial objects and their signatures
Campus, Varian 312 |
KIPAC Tea Talk
zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
KIPAC Tea Talk
Campus, PAB 102/103
SLAC Special Seminar
Kelly Stifter (Fermilab) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/91832073152?pwd=NjJpSXFuQjdRM1hpRExDRU5lZkVSUT09
Leveraging quantum sensors to shine new light on searches for low-mass dark matter
SLAC, Building 053, Trinity Conf. Room
AP/Physics Colloquium
Peter Michelson (KIPAC) In Person Only
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope at 15: Observing the Vibrant Universe
Campus, Hewlett 201 |
Astrophysics Colloquium
No Astrophysics Colloquium
KIPAC Tea Talk
zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
KIPAC Tea Talk
SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Other Stanford Events
Ani Prabhu (Princeton) In Person Only
SITP Wine and Cheese Seminar: Axion Production in High-Energy Astrophysical Plasmas
Campus, Varian 312
KIPAC Monthly Social (Event for KIPAC Members)
Campus, PAB 2nd Floor Hallway |
Cosmology Seminar
Colin Hill (Columbia University) In Person Only
Searching for Cosmological Concordance with New Physics in the Dark Sector: Hints and Challenges
Campus, Varian 355 |
KIPAC Tea Talk
Rebecca Chen (Duke University) In Person and zoom https://stanford.zoom.us/j/550904854
Type Ia Supernova Cosmology with Photometric Redshifts
Campus, PAB 102/103 |