SLAC, Kavli 3rd Floor Conf. Room
Type Ia Supernovae (SN) are a central pillar of the “Standard Model of Cosmology” - Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM), but they also uniquely elucidate persistent gaps in the theory. I will detail recent monumental leaps of progress in SN cosmology culminating in the recent Dark Energy Survey, Pantheon+, and SH0ES cosmological analyses that tell two distinct stories. The supernovae covering 10 billion years of cosmic history place strong constraints on dark matter, dark energy and potential modifications to LCDM. However, the SH0ES constraints of the local value of the Hubble Constant (the current expansion rate of the universe) may be casting LCDM in doubt. I will detail the robust systematic uncertainties that have built confidence in these measurements. Looking forward, I will also discuss the pathfinding work in the Dark Energy Survey that opens up new avenues for using SN with future telescopes such as the Vera Rubin Observatory's LSST. With the imminent gold rush of ~1 million SN across the entire night sky and covering more than 12 billion years of cosmic history, SN will continue to feature as a premiere probe in cosmology and will be used to perform new tests of general relativity, constraints on the growth of structure, and search for evolving dark energy to unprecedented levels and to better precision than ever anticipated.