KIPAC@20: Snapshots of KIPAC research

This session showcases the breadth of research currently happening at KIPAC, with a number of short talks from KIPAC postdoctoral scholars and students. 

Session chair: Dan Wilkins

  • Measuring Magnetic Flux on the Far-side of the Sun - Shea Hess-Webber
  • Detecting Gaps in Stellar Streams as a Probe for Dark Matter with the Nancy Grace Roman Telescope - Christian Aganze
  • Studying Galactic Inscriptions: what we can learn about the history of the Milky Way from dynamical perturbations - Elise Darragh-Ford
  • Learning real physics with fake universes - Sandy Yuan
  • Gaseous halos of spiral galaxies: feeding and feedback - Sanskriti Das
  • Cosmic Chemistry: Exploring The History of Cluster Enrichment with Current and Next-gen X-ray Telescopes - Anthony Flores
  • Mapping the Accretion onto Supermassive Black Holes through the Time Domain - Zhefu Yu
  • A rare case of strong lensing by a quasar - Martin Millon
  • What in the Galaxy is Scattering Cosmic Rays? - Iryna Butsky