KIPAC Newsletter, Winter 2013

KIPAC Newsletter #3 (Dec 20, 2013)

by Tom Abel

In this newsletter: Happy holidays and thank you for a wonderful 2013!

Dear KIPACers,

with a well deserved break ahead let me thank you all for your wonderful support to the Institute and great work this year! One particularly nice present we just learned about yesterday. Stefan Funk and his team were runners up for the Science Breakthrough of the year with their work on the origin of cosmic rays. Congratulations to you all and also the entire Fermi LAT team that made this and so many other discoveries possible.

We have many scientific achievements to celebrate this year.

Let's do so at our holiday party tonight!

Warm wishes,
Tom Abel
for the KIPAC management team (Greg, Pat, Risa, Tom & Ziba)

Postdoc Search

From 282 applications the postdoc selection committee has worked hard and produced a short list of candidates. We are looking forward to welcoming seven or so new postdocs to KIPAC next year. These will be the KIPAC and Kavli Fellowships and for the first time also one Porat Fellowship. First offers will go out shortly.

Computing and Intranet

FAC, Friday Afternoon Computing Group

Thanks to Sam Skillman's initiative we have now a group that meets every other week on Friday afternoon at 3:30. This effort also keeps track of previous talks now here:


Adam Mantz January 20 - 30

Manuel Meyer February 3 - March 1

Shigeki Hirose February 9 - May 11

Hold the Dates

Alan Alda gives public lecture at the Li Ka Shing Center on campus on Jan 15.

FERMI collaboration meeting Feb 17-21 at SLAC.

Enterprise Funding

Let me also share the text of a recent call to our faculty and staff with PI status of possible funding of initiatives that are particularly innovative or collaborative and can help get new projects of the ground. Everyone's ideas of course are welcome! Tell us about the opportunities you all see to further our goal of doing phenomenal science and keeping this place great.

We solicit proposals for KIPAC enterprise funds, intended to seed new projects in strategic directions for KIPAC.  We encourage proposals to fund experimental, theory, observational, or computational work. Proposals will be solicited twice per year.  The first round proposals are due on February 15, 2014, and decisions will be made by April 15, 2014.

Proposals are particularly encouraged which spark new collaborations between KIPAC members, open up new directions of investigation, or provide novel solutions to important problems.

Proposals will be accepted from KIPAC members with PI status.  Typical award amounts will be 25K, and should be spent within one year of the award. Award funds may be used for equipment, graduate student or postdoctoral fellow support, or other allowable research expenses. We expect to fund a few such awards each year.

Proposals should be 1-2 pages and should include a description of the main research goals, the personnel involved, and a rough budget indicating how the funds would be used.  Proposals will be reviewed by the KIPAC Management team with input from the faculty.
