Values and Code of Conduct

The following Statement of Values and Code of Conduct were developed by the KIPAC Community, and we ask all participants in KIPAC's activities to act in accordance with them. 

KIPAC's Values

At KIPAC, we strive to foster a welcoming and supportive environment for all of our members and visitors, as well as the broader communities of which we are part. We value compassion and respect and recognize their role in maintaining a thriving intellectual environment at KIPAC. These values are an essential complement to our commitment to scientific rigor and creative thinking.

KIPAC members and visitors are expected to help strengthen our community by promoting these values, for example by:

  • Treating all members, visitors, and supporting staff in our community with respect;
  • Adopting and encouraging the practices of attentively listening to each other, asking questions, and learning from each other;
  • Proactively including people of all career levels, backgrounds, and identities in discussions;
  • Avoiding sweeping negative generalizations about, for example, groups of people, fields of study, and ways of working;
  • Proactively recognizing and giving credit to the work of others;
  • Encouraging healthy work-life balance and recognizing that each member of our community has a unique background and set of circumstances; and
  • Working to protect the well-being of all members and respecting any health or safety concerns.

KIPAC members aim to consciously engage with these values and evaluate whether our community demonstrates them. Members and visitors who are concerned about this Statement of Values not being respected are encouraged to bring their concerns1 to the KIPAC Director, Managing Director, member of the KIPAC Steering Committee, or to confidential resources at Stanford2.

Code of Conduct

Everyone at KIPAC must be treated with equity and respect. This must be the case regardless of personal identity and attributes, including but not limited to age, career seniority, caregiver status, disability, family status, gender or gender identity, mental health status, nationality or citizenship status, physical appearance, political affiliation, pregnancy status, race or ethnicity, religion or ideology, sexuality, and socioeconomic status. KIPAC does not tolerate discriminatory attitudes or behaviors; bullying, intimidation, or personal attacks; sexual harassment or unwanted attention; or other behavior that interferes with the full participation of others.

Everyone participating in KIPAC activities is expected to adhere to this code of conduct. All members of the Stanford community and participants in our activities are also bound by the University Code of Conduct and by Stanford University's policy on sexual harassment. Members and visitors who are concerned about a possible breach of this Code of Conduct are encouraged to bring their concerns to the KIPAC Director, Managing Director, member of the KIPAC Steering Committee, event host, and/or available confidential resources.

Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. The Director or their designate will respond to all potential violations brought to their attention; in the case of a significant potential violation, the Director or their designate will form an ad hoc committee to evaluate the possible violation and suggest potential remediations. The KIPAC Code of Conduct does not supersede laws or institutional policies of Stanford University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, or home institutions of visitors, including reporting requirements these entities may have.

1Contact info: KIPAC Director: Risa Wechsler <>; Managing Director <>; KIPAC Steering Committee: Dan Akerib <>, Steve Allen <>, Pat Burchat <>.

2Confidential resources include those described at and, available to Stanford and SLAC employees and students. The SHARE (Sexual Harassment/Assault Response & Education) Title IX Office is the University’s central resource for redressing and preventing sexual harassment and violence issues experienced by all Stanford community members. Note that all Stanford faculty are mandated reporters of sexual violence, sexual harassment, and abuse of minors, as outlined at and Anonymous questions or concerns can also be brought to the University Ethics and Compliance Helpline at or 650-721-2667.