The Cosmic Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Have you ever wondered how the Universe works or how it began? Have you ever been curious about how many planets there are out there? Or what it would be like to fall into a black hole?
We host monthly public lectures, followed by Q&A with astrophysicists, both in person at Stanford and live online. KIPAC Public Lectures are free and open to all, and are recommended for the general public and students above the 9th grade.
If you miss any of our events, or would like to watch them again, you can find all of our KIPAC Public Lectures on our YouTube channel
Find out what we have in store for you here and keep up to date: sign up for our mailing list.
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
With dazzling aurorae lighting up the night sky across the US in recent months, the Sun's increasing activity has become more apparent than ever. These awe-inspiring and far-reaching light shows are tied to the increased solar activity as we move deeper into Solar Cycle 25.
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online – register here
We are pleased to offer this public lecture as a hybrid event. Join us in the Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 at Stanford University, or live online.
(The live stream URL can be found at the bottom of the registration confirmation email)Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 200 and online - Register here